"The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article III would add to those doubts," Powell wrote. "Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk."
Powell is certainly not alone in his belief that the proposed legislation is bad policy. He joins former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Jack Vessey, Democrats, and Republicans John Warner, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain, among others, in opposing the President on this issue. Not bad company to be in.
Boy oh boy, won't 2008 just hurry up and get here.
Redeems Powell somewhat in my eyes. I think he could have made a credible run for President himself until he sabotaged himself with the WMD.
BA - Be careful... or Über Republican TFB might just jump ya'.
Camille - Sure, but he's admitted that one of his biggest regrets is his UN WMD presentation. I certainly don't think he was being duplicitous at the UN, though. I may not always agree with him, but when he gives his views, I believe he's usually more sincere and less politically calculating. Contrastingly, it's often hard to take President Bush at his word because he always seems to be campaigning. When he talks on things like the secret prisons, military tribunals, and NSA wiretapping, he grossly distorts the position of those who oppose him in order to make his case. He's certainly not the only one who does it, but he's among the most guilty of doing it.
Marc, be careful of your use of Uber.
I think it's taken on a new meaning:
(1) german word for "above" or "over" (correct spelling "über")
(2) Became popular in the american language through its occurence in a phrase of the old nazi-time german anthem, re-used by punk bands ("california über alles")
(3) Is now used as a substitute for "really" or "very" etc.
Just because Gideon Yago says it doesn't make it right.
Sometimes I get scared because I see the shadow resemblances of the pre-WWII Nazi bureaucracy within our own homeland borders...
yeah, that freaks me out too, then i remember i actually don't really care.
Anon - Wow... that comment could be taken to mean a whole lot of different things.
Garg - You embody political apathy at its very best.
I actually think what is spookiest about Bush, whether one sees it as "campaigning" or not, is that he really believes what he is saying, even when it makes no sense whatsoever.
In case anyone was in doubt of where Camille stood politically...
I want to comment on your blog, but lets be honest if its not on Disney Channel I don't know what you're talking about.
But don't you know that YOU are the crucial vote Blondemama?!!! YOU are the SOCCER mom!!! (Err... do your kids play soccer?)
yeah blondemama, go vote for someone you don't really like or believe in cause you like the other candidate even less.
I don't understand all of this opposition to George Bush from his christian brothers. Surly they know that God will strike him down before alowing the nation to be led astray. All hail the prez. Besides I heard General Powell isn't even black, I mean, he sure doesn't sound black.
Huck... I believe a "touché" is in order
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