First things first though. I very much need the golf lessons. There are two things that my dad wasn't especially big on as I grew up. Guns and golf. As a result, I never got my Rifle Shooting Merit Badge as a Boy Scout because I failed the target test, and, miniature golf excepted, I've been golfing all of twice in my life (both times at Cascade in Orem so I'm not sure they really count). If you hand me a gun or a driver you're taking your life in your hands. Ironically, most of my friends are avid golfers. Perhaps that fact further dissuaded me from trying my hand at it. Who wants to be the slug with a 35 handicap?
The downside to all of this is that golfing in D.C., like the price of houses, is twice as expensive as in Utah. Good thing I've got a cush job at a D.C. law firm to help pay for my new recreational hobby. Of course that financial freedom did require selling my soul. Between my 75 hour work-weeks and my future golfing exploits, I wonder if the wife really knows what she's gotten herself into with this gift.
Sorry honey, no take-backs.
*Thanks be to BA for shepherding my family through their respective purchases.
This is the day your life will surely change. Actually, learning to golf can be extremely frustrating, so just take it easy and enjoy being in the water-hogging, pristine, beautifully manicured fairways! It's the best!
I thought frolfing was all the rage...maybe that is so ninties.
Congratulations Mr. Dr. You have just sealed your fate. The problem with golf is that sometimes the more you concentrate and focus on your technique, the worse you hit the ball. You should get a prescription for Somas and take one before each round to calm you down. Then you'll do fine.
you can just write yourself a prescription now that you're a doctor...
Well congrats on the clubs (and the sweet job!). I guess golfing is a big part of being an attorney huh? Maybe I shouldn't give my husband such a hard time about golfing ALL the time when he tells me he is just "practicing" for his future.
Timewise, it's at least better for me than the Xbox 360 I thought of buying you instead. I considered it for about 30 seconds before I decided not to compromise my standards.
Good luck. Seth has a love/hate relationship with golf. I just hate it.
wow-i don't think the wife has any idea what she's just done...oh the regret. it will settle in soon enough. you better buy her something good in return.
BA - Thanks for the encouragement my good man.
TFB - Somas to calm me down. Check. Aren't Somas for motion sickness though? Wouldn't Valium be more in order?
Tara - That's what they tell me. Thanks for the heads up on the line to feed my wife by the way. I'm "practicing" for my future.
Melbo - Really? Damn.
Blonde - Does Seth have a love/hate relationship with theater now too? ;)
Liz - I think she's oblivious as to just what she's done.
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