Sunday, July 08, 2007


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


Amy Morris said...

what a cutie!

melbo said...

That's our goober! Nice shot by the way hubs :)

Unknown said...

Still the cutest ever! He is so big! Although the shot with the goggles is really great, too.

Tara said...

Very, very cute!

Alifinale said...

He is gettin' there! Very exciting. It is so cute to watch them try so hard...before you know it he will be everywhere.

{lizzythebotanist} said...

well where the hell is he supposed to go when he's stuck in a cage?!? free the baby....

Marc said...

Camille - I took the googles' shot too. What can I say, I missed my calling in life.

Blonde - It's actually a really good thing he can't crawl right now... it would make watching him while studying, well, a little more complex.

Ali - This seems to be a recurring theme... is life as we know it about to end?

Lizzy - It's called "studying for the bar"... you'll know what it's like soon enough.

melbo said...

Um, Marc, you mean my goggles picture? That was my eye behind the lens, sir. You are the hairy chested man in the background. Just for the record :)

Marc said...

That's not your chesthair?

Melanie said...

I love the video! He's so darling! And I love even more the great debate on the photos. Michel would (and has) so do the same thing! LOL!

David Meyers said...

Cute kid marc!