Sunday, July 01, 2007

Shameless Plug

My older sister has hit the big time. She's senior editor of a new start up that's debuting this month called Organize Magazine. A type-A personality with obsessive-compulsive tendencies and a Master's in English, it's a job she was born for. The magazine seems pretty nifty, so I thought it worthy of a plug (There was a write up about it in the New York Times a few days ago). So check it out if you happen past it. The magazine should be available at any bookstore... and if organizing is your thing, you can thank me later. (PS - I'm proud of ya sis').


Amy Morris said...

I'm already thanking you. This sounds like a magazine I need. I'll be picking one up when it comes out.

Anonymous said...

Gee Marc, thanks. . . I guess :) Wow, if I didn’t know me, I’d be dying to meet me after reading your description. I guess it’s payback after all those years of being hard on you, huh?

Thanks for plugging the mag. Did I already tell you I’m flying to NC next week to interview the fly lady with Joyce (the founder)? Actually, I have to fly on a puddle jumper plane and am terrified.

Marc said...

Morris - You've made my sister a happy camper.

Chrigs - It was meant in LOVE. In hindsight, perhaps I should have stressed your sparkling personality... it just didn't seem to relate much to organizing.

Unknown said...

organizing NEEDS TO BE my thing (especially with respect to time)

i am the target audience of this magazine

Melanie said...

Go Chrigi!

Kris said...

Great, now I'll have to buy this magazine in addition to Blueprint and Domino...and feel guilty about the non-chic chaos that makes up my house.

Marc said...

Son'ka - I think it's like exercise gyms... their target audience is everyone. Most of whom will buy the magazine and look at how they COULD organize but never will.

Mind - You could always repent and do a better job of forcing K$ to clean. Ordering others to do manual labor always rids me of guilt.