Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hello World...

Hello world. I'm back.

I've weathered yet another round of finals and managed to tie the bow on three years of law school.

Three years down... just like that. Don't get me wrong, by all accounts law school was a pretty miserable experience, but I'm still surprised by how fast it flew by. I haven't quite adjusted to the idea of moving beyond academia into the professional world, but I'm betting that preparing for the bar exam will disabuse me of that hesitation.

For the time being, I'm just relishing the post-finals (and post-law school) lull. I submitted my bar application today, and I tell ya', life is good. The difference between this week and last week is simply remarkable... No worrying in the back of my mind at all times about papers to write, reading to catch up on, outlining to do, or essay questions to prepare for. Best of all, no "next semester." I've got myself a job lined up this fall; I've passed the mantel on all of my extra-curricular responsibilities; and I've got the satisfaction of having finished one of the hardest things I've ever undertaken. I honestly think it's the first time I've fully relaxed in almost three years.

While I'm well aware that the stress is certain swing back full circle as my bar studies ramp up, it sure is satisfying to catch my breath.


Jess said...
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Jess said...

Congratulations and welcome back Marc!

Tara said...

Yay it's about time you blogged! Congrats on finishing!

Alifinale said...

Congrats Marc! While it felt so long in the meantime it is surprising that you guys are done already! I hope you can catch up on some sleep and give Melbo a break now.

Anonymous said...

Cool, you said...... disabuse. What does that even mean?

-----> Big Bohn

Marc said...

To correct or rid oneself of something, typically an idea or notion (or in this case, a hesitation).

Melanie said...

You are such a lawyer now, using big words and stuff. I wish I could talk as good as you and stuff. Yur smart.

Congratulations! I'm torn -- on one hand I definitely want law school to fly by for us, but on the other, I don't want our little girl to grow up too fast! We'll see you soon! Yay!

Amy Morris said...

Congrats Marc!

Marc said...

Thanks Jess, Tara, Ali, Buddens, and Morrisfam...

Sammy Pow said...

PMBR quickly relieves you of any feeling of satisfaction you may have felt following finals. But it does feel good to be done...

Jill said...

Congrats Marc! That is very exciting. We just got your graduation announcement in the mail the other day. We have it displayed proudly on our counter top! We cant wait to come and visit this summer, we are going to have a BLAST!! Can you guys handle the Lloyd's?!

Anonymous said...

Good job. Congrats to you and your wife.

Maui said...

well done!