Monday, July 10, 2006
Helping Out An Old Friend
Our old friend Screech (a.k.a. Dustin Diamond) is in trouble. You see, he had trouble finding work as an actor after his days on Saved By The Bell (surprising?!)... and not wanting to give up the dream, he tried his luck as a stand-up comic. Apparently it hasn't gone so well though. A bank is preparing to foreclose on Diamond's Wisconsin home and, in a last ditch effort to avoid losing the house, he has turned to the internet to try to raise a quick buck. He's hawking "I Paid $15.00 To Save Screeech's House" T-shirts via a website he threw together last month. To drum up a little support for this venture, Diamond made an appearance Howard Stern and was also interviewed by the AP for an article that ran countrywide. His "official" story blames bad credit, rising property tax assessments, and some guy named Arthur Giraldo for his recent run of bad luck. Diamond supposedly had 30 days to pay the $250,000 owed and, by my calculations, his time is short. So the question is... just how big of Saved By The Bell fan are you?

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i wasn't a huge fan, but he does look pretty handsome in that picture.
Well BA was. There was a time when you could simply pick any line or any fact from any episode, and he could name the episode. It was pretty amazing actually. Let's try it again for good measure... What way does the Elvis face in Screech's mom's house BA?
P.S. By the way BA... I wouldn't recommend doing "Saved By The Bell" search in Google images... I know you used to have a thing for Tiffani-Amber Thiessen and all).
It faces east towards Graceland, of course.
Do you remember those weird episodes when Tori was in the cast? She wore a leather jacket and rode a motorcycle... quite intimidating. Anyway, Kelly and Jessie just weren't in those episode, that was bull shit.
"1. I want Arthur to lose his cushy job at NYCE where he screws over the working man then laughs at their expense."
Did he really just describe himself as a working man? I am so confused...
Yes, I also noticed the "working man" reference. You know, the working man that needs $200K to save his monstrously large home. He needs the monstrously large home because of his monstrously large ego. I once watched an interview with him and some other former child stars. He is an angry, angry... man, I guess.
He couldn't set up a lemonade stand and try to raise money like the rest of us do?
What a loser! Can't the guy go work at McDonalds? People would be lining up like crazy to see screech flipping burgers.
So while we are talking SBTB I just wanted to mention that my favorite episode is the dance off with Kacey Kacem (sp?). Slater in those tights is seared into my memory. So sexy!
Remember they do the "sprain". Such a cool dance move.
ok I thought of one more sweet episode - and that is when the girls are doing their music video at the work out gym and Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills. "I'm so excited... I'm so scared!" Good times.
I love the "I'm so excited" episode. Good ol' SBTB. But no, I am not a big enough fan to save Screech from losing his house. Get a job you loser!
BA, do you still have a crush on Kelly? Becuase I still have a crush on Zack (even though he looks so weird with brown hair on Commander in Cheif).
I used to be pretty dang good at SBTB tivia, but probably couldnt answer any right now. Screetch is a moron, screw him. Why didn't he save some money and manage his life himeself? I dont sell shirts when I can't afford dinner because i bought a new car, so screw him. I hate President Bush and I hate Screech. They are both mooching liars.
Marc - maybe when fil contract dries up in DC you could convince him to help Screech out, non?
BA - Remember when Tori's tough guy brother took apart Belding's car in the auto shop while Slater was supposed to be installing a new car stereo? Which reminds me... what CD did Belding want to play in his new car stereo when he came back from that trip?
Sheldon - $200,000 doesn't buy a monstrously large home in many places today... and you'd be angry if you lived in a measely quarter of a million dollar house after having stolen the hearts and minds of America's youth on a classic like SBTB.
Tara - You never took Caffeine pills after that, did you?! All thanks to SBTB. By the way, I prefer the beach episodes... Kelly in a bikini. Yum.
McDreamy - BA used to have a crush on Zack too... especially his white high tops with the big tongue.
TFB - You'd be a mooching liar too if you could only figure out how to make it work.
Hobby - I think you're on to something here. We'd just need to find someone in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin that will contract my father to work and pay his room and board.
He has less then 40 days to get the money and takes up to 18 days to ship the freakin' shirts? That's just plain lousy business sense right there.
And in my opinion, Dustin lost it all at puberty. These days, who wouldn't pay to see a grown man do comedy with a squeaky voice? It's funny! Poor guy could've riden the Screech train forever.
p.s. Marc, I think you need to stop drooling over teenage girls in bikinis.
Words from the wife that cutteth like a knife.
I think it was a Beach Boys CD.
Nope. It was Bo Jackson Sings the Blues. Close (or not close)... but no cigar.
Okay, I'll give you that it's a nice house... but I'm still holding my line on the "monstrously large" bit.
As for $500K in DC... that won't buy you much more than a mid-sized townhome.
marc, you forgot the "speaking from experience" part.
It just looks like a normal, petite suburbian home. If it is in wisconsin i doubt it is worth that much more than the money he is begging for. Unless the inside is completely covered in gold and diamonds, then it is worth a little more. He is probably pretty poor if he can't foot the bill on that cottage.
Awwww.. Screech has flowers! It's a cuter house then I expected. I'm still not paying a cent towards it, though. His house should cost him as much blood, sweat and tears as ours did for us. (If not more-the man has a yard!)
Melbo - Does it matter that, to the best of my knowledge, Screech doesn't run a bed-in-breakfast to help subsidize the rent?
I think everyone is pretty harsh on the guy. He says that he filled out all the paperwork necessary to get a mortgage loan and Arthur Giraldo didn't do anything he was supposed to do in order to get Dustin a mortgage loan. At least he is doing something to raise money in a quick way. It's not like the guy could get a job and make enough money to pay $250,000 in 30 days. People in the world seem to have lost all compassion for other human beings. It is very sad to see how people are bashing and making fun of Dustin when he is having a crisis because some jerk didn't do the job he was supposed to do.
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