I liked Mark Warner. He was a centrist Democrat who had a history of reaching across the aisle to get things done. He wasn't overly idealogical in his views, and he decried the bitter partisan atmosphere that has engulfed politics in recent years. I believe he is a good man who would have made a good president.
In announcing his decision, Warner said:
It remains to be seen whether a moderate can weather the primary process anymore, but in the hope that one still can, I'm now leaning the way of Senator Evan Bayh.This past weekend, my family and I went to Connecticut to celebrate my Dad's 81st birthday, and then we took my oldest daughter Madison to start looking at colleges.
I know these moments are never going to come again. This weekend made clear what I'd been thinking about for many weeks that while politically this appears to be the right time for me to take the plunge at this point, I want to have a real life.
And while the chance may never come again, I shouldn't move forward unless I'm willing to put everything else in my life on the back burner.
This has been a difficult decision, but for me, it's the right decision.
It's not a decision I have easily reached. I made it after a lot of discussion with my family and a few close friends, and ultimately a lot of reflection, prayer, and soul-searching.
Welcome! :)
I am sorry for your disapointment. I personally liked Mark Warner. Please join us at the Bayh yahoo group.
best wishes marie
Wow... These guys work fast.
Is he related to Michael Bay?... Oh wrong spelling, but if he was there was no way I'd vote for him.
Amen. He's a ripe candidate for the worst directer ever.
I think Hillary is going to mess the whole election thing up. That is my very uninformed opinion.
The reasons he stated for bowing out make me want him more... Doesn't Warner realize what will happen if all the good family guys quit fighting? We'll be left with pretentious geezers and single child molesters that's what. Or even worse, a GIRL for president. America is so screwed.
Way to let those feminist colors shine baby.
well, if I had to vote for a democrat, it would probably be evan bayh
If Mitt Romney runs for President will you vote for him? Why or why not?
Rob - I've got thinking plausibly that you COULD vote for a Democrat... That, my friend, is a victory in and of itself.
Huck - Not sure. Depends on his platform. If he in any way advocates staying the same course we've been on over the last 6 years then there's no chance. I've thought favorably of Mitt in the past, but some of the moves he's made in trying to jump start his presidential primary campaign have irked me. For instance, among other things, I dislike his position on stem cell research; I dislike what appears to have been opportunistic criticism of Harvard's invitation to Mohammed Khatami to speak (the Bush administration personally approved Khatami's visit to the US and Romney's move seems to have been targeted placate neo-conservatives in the Republican base (which it was successful in doing)); I dislike some of the rhetoric I've heard from Romney as he has been trying to court the far right. On the other hand, I've like some of Romney's bipartisan work in Massachusetts (e.g., the health care initiative). Whether I can vote for him depends on what kind of candidate he ends up being in the end and who he's up against.
Sheldon - Yup... Mitt's a runnin' alright. Gotta' admit I'm an Obama fan though. Just have to wonder if a run by Barack is a little premature. Guess we'll see.
I have the perfect candidate, and she's a GIRL...
I've always been a sucker for a candidate who would yield less taxes, no war, and have amazing blue eyes that would keep me interested in politics.
It gets better!!! She also is a writer for all you fans of the literary world. John Denver fans anyone???!!!
Finally, can we go wrong with someone with the last name Smith???
Alas, here she is....2006 Presidential Hottie
I'm sad to see Warner pull out too...good luck finding another candidate that looks like a horse, Democratic party.
I would never insult the Catholic church.
Sorry Simon, but I can't vote for someone with ribbons on her dress and feathered hair (even if it is red).
After reading Time magazine's article on Hillary Clinton running for office, I am pretty sure she will be the Democrat's nominee. Whether that is good for the party is another question.
I am sorry, but your so called Presidential Hottie Smith, is far from HOT. Even in the lame political world, she is not hot. That is all. BTW, I think my family would disown me if I didn't vote for Mitt.
McDream....as judged by my Uma post I guess my world of hotties doesn't match the world of beauty for the masses. I'll let you know when my candidate reaches a size -1! I just can't see how one can go wrong with a red head dressed in ribbons and paying tribute to the greatest voice ever Mr. John Denver!
If you've come here from CBS Blogophile let me just be the first to welcome you to the ugly underworld of LDS law students, their wives, and friends. Are we cult members? Possibly. I'll never tell (in that creepy voice from that sucky movie... don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about).
First off... if anyone is scratching their heads wondering what BA is talking about, a CBS blog round up linked to this post.
Mind Spew - You're behind the times. Obama's now on the cover of Time as this week's potential Democratic candidate.
McDreamy - As your family didn't disown you for marrying BA... I think they'd get over it.
Sheldon - Hey... TradeSports is listing Colin Powell as a potential Democratic presidential candidate - Buy Now!
Simon - To each his own my friend, to each his own.
Holy crap.
The end is happening. First it was BYU's daily Universe... now CBS news is quoting Marc Bohn's blog.
There is no stopping him.
Or, alternatively, my meager 15 minutes
Is there a link to the Daily Universe quote? By the way, as I was looking for it I found this blog post at Dave's Mormon Inquiry. I'm a big BYU defender but sometimes it's a little ridiculous.
I'm waiting for a new post so I can comment already! I'm trying to show you that I haven't boycotted your blog. So new post!!
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